Unlocking Safety: The Intel and Design Behind Trainer+ Deload Behaviors

Understanding deload behavior in Trainer+ Training Modes

We're not just stoked about transforming your fitness journey; we are equally dedicated to ensuring your safety every step of the way.

Trainer+ is not just a piece of equipment; it's your workout companion, designed to adapt, support, and protect you during your fitness adventures.

In this article, we'll delve into the brilliance of Trainer+'s deload behaviors, demonstrating their real-world applications and showcasing how they empower individuals across all fitness levels.

The Essence of Deload Behaviors

Deload behaviors are the backbone of Trainer+'s safety mechanism. Given the chosen training mode, they dynamically adjust the resistance in real-time, ensuring that you're always lifting the right weight for your strength and pace. Whether you're lifting explosively or slowing down due to fatigue, Trainer+ has your back.

Imagine you're pushing through your workout, and fatigue sets in. Trainer+ can sense this and will lighten the load, allowing you to complete your reps safely and effectively. 

It's like having a spotter that anticipates your needs and ensures you don't compromise form or safety.

Deload in Action

Let's explore how deload behaviors work in various real-life workout scenarios:

  1. "Maintaining Proper Form"

    • The Scenario: You're on your 3rd set of 4, doing 12 reps of Bent Over Rows in Old School; this is week 1 of increasing your weights. There are reps when your form starts to slip due to fatigue, or a momentary loss of focus. Switch your final 4th set to Time Under Tension, and the Trainer+will step in to assist you by providing the right amount of support, helping you complete your reps safely without compromising your technique.
  2. "Managing Unexpected Fatigue"

    • The Scenario: Some days, you may find yourself feeling more fatigued than usual, perhaps due to factors like lack of sleep or a hectic day. Use Time Under Tension for slow-controlled work, or Pump for fast, and ask the Trainer+ to recognize your changing energy levels and to adjust the load as it senses a dip in energy; ensuring your workout remains effective and safe.
  3. "Avoiding Overuse Injuries"

    • The Scenario: Over time, repetitive movements can lead to overuse injuries. With Time Under Tension, ask the Trainer+ to take care of your long-term well-being by decreasing the weight when it senses you've hit a sticking point in your lift, preventing excessive strain and ensuring that your workouts are balanced, reducing the risk of injury.

Deload Behaviour in Training Modes

Here's a quick rundown of each training mode's deload behaviour:

To learn more about the benefits of the training modes, and when to program them into your training check out these help articles:

Training Modes Explained

Training Modes Programming Cheat Sheet

Old School
    • For your safety, the machine will deload:

      • If the resistance ropes move lower than your calibrated ROM;
      • Pause at the bottom for a long period of time; or
      • Are taking too long to lift it out of the bottom ROM (approx. 5+ second concentric).
Time Under Tension
    • For your safety, the machine will deload:

      • If it senses you are fatiguing by slowing down to the point of pausing.

      • By asking it to; pause at the bottom of your rep.
    • For your safety, the machine will deload:

      • If it senses your fatigue, and/or your concentric is not as fast anymore.

      • By asking it to: pause at the bottom of your rep.
Eccentric Only
    • When you meet your calibrated bottom range-of-motion.