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My order was delivered but has been damaged during transit.

Create a ticket for our Orders team to resolve any damage-in-transit.

Our top priority is to get you to your workouts as soon as possible.

By creating this ticket, and submitting all the below requested footage of your package and order items, we may offer you a few additional options as a remedy depending on:

  • The condition of your items; and/or
  • Determined that their condition will not affect the functionality of your workouts.

Our 3 Critical Pictures

to create this ticket successfully and get a quick turnaround...



Take pictures indicating the condition of your packaging

All damage to the box




Take pictures indicating the cosmetic condition of your item/s

All visible cosmetic cracks



Take pictures indicating the functional condition of your item/s

"Air Inlet Grille"

The air vent underneath the machine (not the fan) where the internal mechanics are visible

Air Inlet Grille Sample


Our Last 2 Helpful Steps

we may ask you to complete to understand the full status of your machine



Assess the functionality of your Trainer+

Filming this step may be handy

Is the machine successfully receiving power? Have the machine's internal mechanics incurred damage?

a. Does the machine switch on?

if yes, proceed to b. 

b. Connect to the Vitruvian app: do the LED lights flash from white to color? If orange, proceed to c.

c. Orange LED's mean the machine is pushing fault information to our tech team



Find your machine's serial number

Located in the 'Trainer' tab when app-machine are connected, or underneath the machine itself.