Keep your firmware up to date.

By regularly checking for updates and installing them as soon as they become available, you can can ensure that your machine remains up to date, and fully functional.

Keeping your machine's firmware up to date is crucial so that it maintains the performance and functionality of your Trainer. 

Our technical teams are constantly working to refine and optimize your training experience, and firmware updates can provide new features or enhance existing ones. By keeping your firmware up to date, this helps ensure that you are getting the most out of your training system.

General Maintenance.

  1. Switch on your Trainer machine;
  2. Open the Vitruvian app in your device and connect the QR code on the side of your machine.
  3. Within the "Trainer" tab, under "Versions", check for "Update" to be tagged next to the firmware version.
  4. Click "Update" and allow time to complete.

Resolving bugs.

Updating the firmware can help to resolve bugs or issues that may be affecting the machine.

While the Vitruvian app is open, when you shake your phone, this allows you to report a bug in realtime and gives our technical team insights into what is needed to resolve the problem.

As users report these issues, the technical team release firmware updates to address them. By installing these updates, when released, users can resolve issues that might be impacting their experience with their machine.

Device compatibility issues.

Outdated firmware can lead to compatibility issues with your device/s or the Vitruvian app itself.

As new versions of mobile phone operating systems or applications are released, they may not be fully compatible with older firmware versions in general. This can result in glitches, crashes, or other malfunctions that can compromise the usability of the device.

By keeping the firmware up to date, this helps to ensure that your mobile phone device is fully compatible with the training system - from machine, all the way through to your Vitruvian app.

Extending the lifespan of your machine.

Updating the firmware can also help to extend the lifespan of a device. By keeping the firmware up to date, this can help ensure that your machine remains relevant and usable for as long as possible.

I’ve updated my firmware but am still experiencing an issue…

While the Vitruvian app is open and connected to your machine:

  1. Shake your phone - this will prompt a pop up bug report form.
  2. Fill in the requested details, including your best contact information.
  3. Hit “Send” and await for our technical team’s response.

OR, reach out to our Member Support team via with:

  1. Your order number;
  2. Your email;
  3. Machine serial number;
  4. Mobile device model;
  5. Mobile device operating system version;
  6. A description of what happened at the time of the issue occurring; and
  7. Video/photo footage of the issue - if applicable.