Your muscles are being worked efficiently, you can now get away with shorter workouts than the traditional gym equipment. Get a more effective workout, in less time!
Our classes can range from 10 to 40 minutes in duration, but you can design your own workouts to follow in your own time too!
One of the amazing benefits of the Vitruvian training system is that it maintains tension in your muscles no matter where you are in your range-of-motion.
This eliminates the chance of using momentum - you know what it’s like when you’re down to the last few reps of bicep curls, sometimes your legs need to help bounce that weight up to help your burning biceps.
With each rep efficient in ensuring your target muscles are doing all the work, the Vitruvian training system reduces the risk of “cheating” reps and will have you questioning whether you can handle another rep, let alone another set, of the exercise.
Because of how efficient your muscles are working, you can now get away with shorter workouts than what you would typically experience in the traditional gym. Get a more effective workout, in less time!